Scrimpr £1 Direct Debit

At BeermoneyUK, we provide a comprehensive guide on maximizing Bank Switch Bonus offers, but many users often find themselves needing an affordable direct debit to meet eligibility requirements.

With our Direct Debit service, you can easily fulfill these requirements while supporting Scrimpr and BeermoneyUK. It started with a £1 direct debit, but we have two other options  as well. So whatever bank switch offer you are completing, we have you covered.

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A direct debit for just one pound

£1 Direct Debit

If you set up a one pound direct debit, you will be help us cover the costs of running Scrimpr whilst making yourself eligble for a bank switch reward.

A direct debit where you choose the price

Choose your amount

If you need another direct debit, then you can setup one where you choose the amount! This one might help us keep the website running.

An even cheaper direct debit

50p Direct Debit

But if you just want the cheapest direct debit, then here is one for 50 pence. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about the Scrimpr £1 direct debits.

Our £1 Direct Debit service is designed to help you meet the criteria for various bank switch offers. By setting up regular direct debits, you can qualify for promotional offers from banks.

We offer three different direct debit options—50p, £1, or a value of your choice—to help users meet the varying requirements set by different banks. Many banks require multiple direct debits to qualify for switch rewards, and our options provide the flexibility to satisfy these requirements without breaking the bank. 

We use Stripe ( to process your payments securely. Once you sign up, we will set up a small regular direct debit – 50p, £1, or a value of your choosing from your bank account. This ensures you meet the direct debit requirement for your bank switch offer.

Either 50p or £1 or the amount you choose. Payment is taken monthly, and you can cancel at any time.

There are several ways to cancel your direct debit:
  1. Fill out our cancellation form: Cancel Direct Debit Please note, you must submit the form at least 3 working days before your payment date, as direct debits are processed in advance.
  2. Cancel through your bank: You can cancel the payment directly from your banking app or website. Alternatively, you can contact your bank by phone. If you experience any issues, please reach out to us at
After cancelling with your bank, you may still receive a notification from Stripe the next month. This is because your bank doesn’t automatically notify Stripe about the cancellation. While Stripe may send an email about an upcoming payment, your bank will block the payment when Stripe attempts to collect it. Stripe will then update your subscription status to reflect the cancellation. In more detail:
  • Step 1: You cancel with your bank, but the bank does not inform Stripe. Your bank is instructed to block the transaction.
  • Step 2: The following month, Stripe tries to collect payment. They will email you, but it’s not a new direct debit — it’s the old one that Stripe hasn’t yet recognized as cancelled.
  • Step 3: Your bank blocks the payment. Stripe’s system is updated to cancel the subscription.

Yes. Once you have set up a direct debit, Stripe will send you a confirmation email. Usually this is pretty fast, but sometimes there are small delays.

Simply cancel your direct debit by cancelling the payment from your banking app (or bank website). You could also phone the bank if you want. If you experience difficulties in cancelling your direct debit, then get in touch with us at

Once you have cancelled with your bank, you may still get a notification from Stripe the next month. This is because your bank does not automatically inform Stripe that you cancelled. Stripe will email to say the payment is due, but when they ask for payment your bank will block it. Stripe will then update to cancel the subscription.

In a little more detail:

  1. You cancel with your bank (but your bank does not tell Stripe). Here you have instructed your bank to block the transaction.

  2. Next month, Stripe tries to take the payment again. Stripe emails you when they do this (its not a new direct debit, its the old one that they do not yet know you have cancelled).

  3. Your bank says no, this is cancelled.

  4. Payment fails, and Stripe updates itself.

Yes, your payment information is processed securely through Stripe, a leading payment processing platform. Stripe complies with the highest standards of security and encryption to keep your data safe.

Not at the moment. Payments are taken monthly. We might add options such as weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

No, there is no long-term commitment. You can use our service for as long or as short a period as you need. You are free to cancel at any time.

Once the direct debit is set up, you will receive a confirmation email. You can also check the status of your direct debits with your bank.

Yes, you can set up multiple direct debits if needed. Simply add additional direct debits through our website.

Just send an email to

The direct debit mandate is sent to your bank for processing as soon as you click the submit button. In general it take 3-5 days for the direct debit to show on your account, and 5-7 days for the first payment to be taken.

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